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Posted by ChandraLiow on 30 April 2015
  • Posted by : Unknown 28 Jul 2014

    Dragon Nest: Lv 60 Gladiator Planning Skill Build

    Gladiators can deal massive damage with their buffs and are very mobile and flexible while fighting. Though they are tankers but they still have to look out for the damage given to them. Some of their skills can be used to protect them but if you are going for maximum damage you would have to be very careful.
    There are two significant builds for a Sword Master regardless if you are going Gladiator or Moonlord. If you are a newbie in Dragon Nest and your first character is a Sword Master I would recommend you to take the Parry Build as the skill can save your life until you have really mastered the mechanics of being a Sword Master you can reset your skills and remove this skill from your hot keys. A non Parry Build would mean that your skill can be maxed for more damage on mobs/opponents.
    For being a Gladiator you can choose not to take the Moonlord skills if you feel that the skills like Moonlight Splitter and Cyclone Slash is not needed for utility, it’s fine to just rely on the Gladiator skills only but the catch is that you would have lesser skills to utilize.
    Paralyze is one of the few stats you want to take note of as most of your skills can stagger and flinch opponents easily having more of this stat is better but there is no need to find heraldry plates that have this stat.
    His weapon of choice is the sword.
    • Has some super armor breaking skills.
    • His buffs can help in raids and dungeons as he can increase damage dealt on the opponent.
    • Very mobile and has skill that removes debuffs.
    • If you want to have both tree skills you have to focus on both magic and physical damage.
    The skill build is just here to guide you and can be changed to your preference. This skill build is purely built to my way of playing. I would be noting at the skill descriptions to show which skills could be changed if you would not want to add the skills. So enjoy!
    The build would be written and explained in the context of a hybrid build (Semi-survivable ), No Parry, Pure PvE and PvP build are attached below.
    Warrior Skills
    Impact_Punch   Impact Punch – Level 1. This skill is just for utility and can be left at pre-requisite. This skill is also good for chaining skills together. You can use this skill to hit opponents if they are in mid air.
    Heavy_Slash   Heavy Slash – Level 1. Left at pre-requisite. It’s not really needed at high levels.
    Impact_Wave   Level 1. Not needed as this skill is utilized for the magic side of the Warrior.
    Rising_Slash   Rising Slash – Level 6. At level 6 the skill can be chained to 2 slashes in the air. So it’s a useful one at level 6.
    Destructive_Swing   Circle Break – Level 1. For the super armor breaking capabilities and in dungeons or PvP you can lift opponents up into the air.
    Tumble   Tumble – Level 5. The lower the cool down of this skill the better it is as this is the main skill you need to activate the Dash skill.
    Surprise_Attack   Wake Attack – Level 1. For pushing enemies away if you are knocked down.
    Aerial_Evasion   Aerial Evasion – Level 4. Max for the cool down reduction.
    Dash   Dash – Level 5. One of the best skill for being a Warrior. In terms of movement you can run very fast but be sure to take notice in Ladder this can be the very killer skill that drains your mana too.
    *In PvP if you are cursed do not Dash as it can kill you every second. I PvPed a Warrior with my Soul Eater and the Warrior died while dashing away from me just because he was cursed. 
    Dash_Kick   Dash Kick – Not a skill that is needed as when you become a mercenary there would be another skill for you to combo with Dash.
    Elbow_Drop   Elbow Drop – Left at pre-requisite.
    Side_Kick   Side Kick – Level 1. For a kick to your opponent.
    Sweeping_Kick   Sweeping Kick – Level 1. For the extra kick.
    Dropkick   Drop Kick – Level 1. It’s sometimes useful in PvP but you can opt to get it or allocate this 1 SP into other skill points.
    Soccer_Kick   Soccer Kick – Level 1. It is a skill to unlock a combo when you advance as a Mercenary.
    Lifesaver   Highlander – Level 1. This skill would be one of your best skill which parties would accept you in raids. As this skill when activated, allies and you would be given 1 minute for the buff. If your HP hits 1 during the buff, you are invulnerable and need to be healed before that invincibility period (15 seconds) is up.
    Brush_Off   Relieve – Level 3. This skill allows you to remove 2 debuffs at level 3. Though note that cool down in PvP does not decrease unlike in PvE. Only for PvE builds would you need to level it to level 4.
    *Skills like Glacial Wave, Time Stop can be removed irregardless of whatever position your are stopped in. Poison, burn, curse and slow effects can like wise be removed too.
    Health_Bolster   HP Mastery – Level 4. Maxed for the extra HP.
    Mental_Fortitude   MP Mastery – Level 3. For the extra MP.
    Attuned_Mind   Mental Training – Level 4. You need as much MP recovery regardless of PvE or PvP.

    Gladiator Skills
    Triple_Slash   Triple Slash – Level 16. It flinches the opponents when they get caught in the skill. They cannot cast any skill until the skill is cast finished.
    Forward_Thrust   Front Shove – Level 11. This skill has a invincible frame, the moving back action would make you invincible until you dash forward. It would flinch the enemy.
    Hacking_Stance   Hacking Stance – Level 11. This skill can make you hack at your opponent for 6 seconds trapping them. Do note if your opponent is very mobile it might be hard to catch them as your mobility will be significantly reduced unless you have the EX version of this skill.
    *For PvP, if your opponent is on the floor it is not recommended to cast Hacking Stance as the Wake Attack can break the super armor of this kill canceling it. 
    Frenzied_Charge   Line Drive – Level 1. I know that having this skill at level 1 is a waste of damage. but the only time I use this skill is to chase mobs/opponents. Also to waste the Aerial Evasion of the opponent. If you really wish to level this higher you can reduce the level of Hacking Stance to level 6 and increase Line Drive skill to level 6.
    Infinity_Edge   Infinity Edge – Level 2. This skill must be used careful as the casting skill can be really fast and you have to make sure your opponent do not dodge from this ultimate as it makes you like a crazy sword wielding man and you swipe at your opponents. This skill can give up to 20 hits ending with a Line Drive animation and if all hits are done on your opponent/mob extra damage will be dealt. 

    Moonlord Skills
    Moonlight_Splitter   Moonlight Splitter – Level 1. This skill can trap your opponents temporarily if they are hit by it. This skill is mostly used to get Cyclone Slash. Opponents/mobs can be staggered by this skill.
    Cyclone_Slash   Cyclone Slash – Level 1. This skill is just for utility and its a great skill to trap opponents in the tornado while you dish other damage out.
    *Remember not to push your opponent/mob out of the tornado with your skills. Throw Moonlight Splitter into the tornado and if you want to combo it with Hacking Stance make sure you time it right, if the opponent falls onto the floor you wont be able to catch them.
    Crescent_Cleave   Crescent Cleave – Not needed as this skill would utilize the magical attack.
    Halfmoon_Slash   Half Moon Slash – Not needed. Magic skill.
    Blade_Storm   Great Wave – Not needed. This skill is more intended for PvP as its easy to catch opponents/mobs in it as the AoE is very big and the ending moon wave can stagger enemies. This skill uses your magical damage so there is no need to go dual ultimate.
    Passive, Buffs, 
    Dash_Slash   Dash Slash – Level 1. For utility and the skill can be used to open up attacks.
    Dash_Combo   Dash Combo – Level 1. Can be combo-ed after using Dash Slash.
    Aerial_Combo   Aerial Combo – Level 1. Good skill to pair it with Dash Slash. and to lift your opponents into the air.
    Counter_Cross   Counter Exile – Level 1. It’s a great skill to evade if you have been hit into the air.
    Eclipse   Eclipse – Level 6. This is a good skill to flinch enemies, it can also break super armor of your opponents/mobs.
    Courageous_Shout   Brave – Level 7. This skill can flinch opponents for awhile before they recover. It would reduce thier super armor and increase your attack for a brief duration.
    Luring_Slice   Provoking Slam – Level 7. This is a good debuff on your opponents as your damage can be increased on them.
    Parry   Parrying – Level 5. It allows you to reflect damage at a real small percentage but can save your life at times. You can remove 1 SP from here and give it to Parrying if you want.
    Parry_Stance   Parrying Stance – Level 3. This skill can make you invincible for 18 seconds in PvE and 6 seconds in PvP. The parrying rate is almost 80% but most attacks can be blocked off.
    *Although your attacks are blocked but you take no damage from your opponent you are still not immune to elemental attacks, you can still be cursed by skills and burned by fire skills. 
    Counterslash   Counter Slash – Not really needed as this skill can only be activated if you have successfully parried an attack and you have to be very observant to see the animation and hear the block.

    Gladiator Skills
    Feint   Evasion Slash – Level 4. This skill can be utilized easily if you know how to counter skills well. The skill can make you invincible while you are using it. You can cancel any skill even if it’s casting in process and counter your opponent.
    Coup_De_Grace   Final Attack – Level 4. This skill is very useful as it can deal massive damage if use correctly, you are able to knock down your enemy onto the floor. The bonus is that if your enemy HP is below 60%(PvE)/ 40%(PvP) additional damage will be dealt for every extra HP he/she has.
    Triple Slash EX – Level 1. Triple Slash is enhanced and and additional lifting skill can be activated if the “Special Attack Button” is used. Extra 30% damage is given to the skill.
    Front Shove EX – Level 1. The range of the skill is improved and while moving back you can click the “Normal Attack Button” to immediately activate the skill. “Special Attack Button” can be pressed to push enemies back, the “Normal Attack Button” when pressed would do a 360 degree turn and flinch your opponents.
    Hacking Stance EX – Level 1. The AoE of this skill is significantly increased and your movement speed while casting skill is increased greatly from the original Hacking Stance skill. While clicking the “Special Attack Button” you can execute a lifting motion and cancel the skill.
    Happy Gaming~!
    Attached are the hybrid build (Semi-survivable ), No Parry, Pure PvE and PvP builds.

    Hybrid Build (Semi-survivable)
     Gladiator Skill Build 1 Gladiator Skill Build 2Gladiator Skill Build 3
    No Parry Build
    Changes Made:
    • The parrying skills are removed and the SP are allocated into Moonlight Splitter as this skill is pretty spammable in PvP/PvE
    • If you do not want Moonlight Splitter you can allocate it into Line Drive and max the other Gladiator Tree skills.
     Gladiator Skill Build 1 Gladiator No Parry Skill Build 2Gladiator Skill Build 3
    Pure PvE Build
    Changes Made:
    • Rising Slash is only level 1 as you would need this skill to continue some combos with your skills.
    • Circle Break is now level 6 for crowd control in dungeons.
    • Relieve is level 4 for that 10 seconds decrease in cool down.
    • Mental Mastery is level 3 only.
    • Line Drive is level 10 as its more easy to kill monsters in dungeons/raids then in a PvP arena.
    • Moonlord Skills can be removed if you don’t want them.
     Gladiator Level 60 Pure PvE Skill Build 1Gladiator Level 60 Pure PvE Skill Build 2Gladiator Level 60 Pure PvE Skill Build 3
    Pure PvP Build
    Changes Made:
    • Triple Slash is reduced to level 11 to give way for the Parrying Build.
    • Line Drive is level 1 as I do not really find it useful in PvP and only use it to bait the Aerial Evasion or Tumble skill.
    • Moonlight Splitter is at level 6 to trap opponents.
    • The Parrying skills can be removed and allocated to max your Gladiator skills if you want.
    • If you see here I have maxed Great Wave instead as I find Great Wave to be a better option as an ultimate as the skill has bigger AoE although the damage is based on magic but in Ladder and Comp On matches your magic and physical damage are greatly nerfed and your magic and physical are almost at the same range.
     Gladiator Level 60 Pure PvP Skill Build 1 Gladiator Level 60 Pure PvP Skill Build 2Gladiator Level 60 Pure PvP Skill Build 3

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